
DirectDM: a tool for dark matter direct detection


We provide a Mathematica package, DirectDM, that takes as input the Wilson coefficients of the relativistic effective theory describing the interactions of dark matter with quarks, gluons and photons, and matches it onto an effective theory describing the interactions of dark matter with neutrons and protons. The nonperturbative matching is performed at leading order in a chiral expansion. The one-loop QCD and QED renormalization-group evolution from the electroweak scale down to the hadronic scale, as well as finite corrections at the heavy quark thresholds are taken into account. We also provide an interface with the package DMFormFactor so that, starting from the relativistic effective theory, one can directly obtain the event rates for direct detection experiments.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; the companion code can be downloaded from https://directdm.github.i

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