
Workshop Review: Timescapes Secondary Analysis Workshop


The Timescapes Workshops were offered as three, one day events held around the UK for researchers and practitioners to learn about and interact with the Timescapes Archive. This archive forms an integral part of a five year ESRC qualitative longitudinal study which explores and documents the changing nature of personal and family relationships. The workshop provided a forum from which to explore the purpose and value of archiving qualitative data sets for future (secondary use). Issues of ownership and consent were central to many of the discussion which took place throughout the day. In addition, the practical ‘hands-on’ session with the archive raised issues about the skill of archiving for future use as well as the optimal functionality and usability of an archive for secondary analysis. This workshop provided a useful addition to the training needs increasingly required by qualitative researchers where archiving for secondary use is now an important consideration within the design and dissemination phases of research

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