A Communication and Control Support for an heterogeneous Reconfigurable SoC (ComEngine)


Disponible à http://as.univ-brest.fr/~pottier/Depot/ComEngine-en.pdfRapport d'étude sur les transferts mémoires-accélérateur pour les unités reconfigurables de MORPHEUS.The advent of embedded reconfigurable accelerators in complex system-on-chips (SoC) points out emerging challenges for the compilation of data-intensive applications. Despite their effective adequacy to handle a high-degree of parallelism locally, these reconfigurable accelerators put a high pressure on the communication structure and infrastructure. At the inputs/outputs of such accelerators, very flexible communication engines (CE) are appeal- ing, in order to secure and optimize the whole data-flow. This is especially crucial when the run-time reconfiguration capabilities are active : switching from one configuration to another implies quick contexts handling. The same remark can be done for the compilation process itself, in which computation partitioning is obviously associated to data partition- ing. In this paper, we presents preliminary ideas on the characteristics and design of a CE

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