
教職課程(保健体育)専攻学生の剣道に対する意識 ― 剣道経験の違いによる意識の実態と変化 ―


Through the execution of a survey research (32 questions), this study aims to reveal how students majoring in teacher-training (health and physical education) perceive Kendo, whether a different experience in Kendo leads to disparity in consciousness, and the change in consciousness before and after Kendo lessons. Results show that discrepancies in consciousness due to different experiences in Kendo were found in 9 sections of questions regarding“ whether Kendo is sport or martial arts”,“ Kendo rules”, and“ safety” before lesson. At the same time, differences in attitude were also observed in 9 other sections of questions regarding “popularization measure” and “interest” after lesson. Furthermore, just as some disparities in consciousness due to different experiences in Kendo disappeared after lesson, new disparities also emerged. These founding suggest that consciousness toward Kendo among students and the change in that consciousness do differ according to their own individual experience in Kendo; thus, students need to set separate learning objectives to match their level of experience in Kendo

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