
Evaluation of the Edinburgh Police research and practice group


The EPRPG began in January 2011 as a means of feeding findings from the community policing knowledge transfer project, and the related small research studies, back to the police. However, it quickly emerged that there was an appetite for research seminars and workshops on a much broader range of police-related topics, many of which arose from discussion at the sessions themselves. Over the course of the year two further series of sessions were run, providing academics and PhD researchers from many institutions with opportunities to present and discuss their research within the EPRPG forum. The evaluation of the EPRPG set out to: Explore the organisation and delivery of knowledge exchange activities; Obtain the views of programme leaders about their experiences of running the project and of participants who attended the events in order to assess the advantages and limitations of the project; Examine the possibility of measuring the impact of the project in terms of strengthening police and academic relations, the practical application of academic research and benefits for both the policing and academic communities; Generate feedback from participants on suggestions for future development of the project

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