Frequency feedback for two-photon interference from separate quantum dots


We employ active feedback to stabilize the frequency of single photons emitted by two separate quantum dots to an atomic standard. The transmission of a rubidium-based Faraday filter serves as the error signal for frequency stabilization. We achieve a residual frequency deviation of <30 MHz, which is less than 1.5% of the quantum dot linewidth. Long-term stability is demonstrated by Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between photons from the two quantum dots. Their internal dephasing limits the expected visibility to V = 40%. We observe V_lock = (41 ± 5)% for frequency-stabilized dots as opposed to Vfree = (31 ± 7)% for free-running emission. Our technique reaches the maximally expected visibility for the given system and therefore facilitates quantum networks with indistinguishable photons from distributed sources. ©2018 American Physical Societ

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