
Some aspects of its post-roman influence on the landscape


Hadrian's Wall is the longest single stone built ancient monument in the United Kingdom and its influence on the man-made landscape has been greater than that of any other surviving structure. Over the last century and a half archaeological excavation and research have largely pieced together the history and function of the monument as it pertains to the Roman period. Little in-depth research has been undertaken regarding its function in and influence on the landscape from the end of the Roman period to the present day. This study has attempted to understand the role that various factors including: geology, topography, population distribution, building types, farming practices, local history and national politics have had on the survival or destruction of the Wall and the influence that the Wall has had on such things as the place-names of settlements, field names, land forms, and even in the naming of houses, streets and businesses. The Wall is referred to in early 8th century manuscripts, Norman charters as well as medieval documents, charters, maps and estate plans and is described in varying detail by antiquarian sources. The present landscape along the Wall owes its existence to past generations and their close relationship to the Wall of Hadrian

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