Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: case report and literature review of a rare endonasal infection


Leishmaniasis is a protozoal infection transmittedby a sandfly vector. In Germany, leishmaniasis ofthe mucous membranes is a rare condition andusually due to extension of local skin disease intothe mucosal tissue via direct extension,bloodstream or lymphatics. We report a case ofendonasal leishmaniasis in a female Germanresident who presented in a university hospitalwith nasal obstruction. Histology of the left nasalseptum biopsy was suggestive of leishmaniasis.The molecular detection of DNA was positive forleishmania infantum. The patient was successfullytreated as a case of mucocutaneous leishmaniasisreceiving liposomal amphotericin follow up visitsshowed significant improvement with norecurrence

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