Using Response Times for Modeling Missing Responses in Large-Scale Assessments


Examinees differ in how they interact with assessments. In low-stakes large-scale assessments (LSAs), missing responses pose an obvious example of such differences. Understanding the underlying mechanisms is paramount for making appropriate decisions on how to deal with missing responses in data analysis and drawing valid inferences on examinee competencies. Against this background, the present work aims at providing approaches for a nuanced modeling and understanding of test-taking behavior associated with the occurrence of missing responses in LSAs. These approaches are aimed at a) improving the treatment of missing responses in LSAs, b) supporting a better understanding of missingness mechanisms in particular and examinee test-taking behavior in general, and c) considering differences in test-taking behavior underlying missing responses when drawing inferences about examinee competencies. To that end, the present work leverages the additional information contained in response times and integrates research on modeling missing responses with research on modeling response times associated with observed responses. By documenting lengths of interactions, response times contain valuable information on how examinees interact with assessments and may as such critically contribute to understanding the processes underlying both observed and missing responses. This work presents four modeling approaches that focus on different aspects and mechanisms of missing responses. The first two approaches focus on modeling not-reached items. The second two approaches aim at modeling omitted items. The first approach employs the framework for the joint modeling of speed and ability by van der Linden (2007) for modeling the mechanism underlying not-reached items due to lack of working speed. On the basis of both theoretical considerations as well as a comprehensive simulation study, it is argued that by accounting for differences in speed this framework is well suited for modeling the mechanism underlying not-reached items due to lack thereof. In assessing empirical test-level response times, it is, however, also illustrated that some examinees quit the assessment before reaching the end of the test or being forced to stop working due to a time limit. Building on these results, the second approach of this work aims at disentangling and jointly modeling multiple mechanisms underlying not-reached items. Employing information on response times, not-reached items due to lack of speed are distinguished from not-reached items due to quitting. The former is modeled by considering examinee speed. Quitting behavior - defined as stopping to work before the time limit is reached while there are still unanswered items - is modeled as a survival process, with the item position at which examinees are most likely to quit being governed by their test endurance, conceptualized as a third latent variable besides speed and ability. The third approach presented in this work focuses on jointly modeling omission behavior and response behavior, thus providing a better understanding of how these two types of behavior differ. For doing so, the approach extends the framework for jointly modeling speed and ability by a model component for the omission process and introduces the concept of different speed levels examinees operate on when generating responses and omitting items. This approach supports a more nuanced understanding of both the missingness mechanism underlying omissions and examinee pacing behavior through assessment of whether examinees employ different pacing strategies when generating responses or omitting items The fourth approach builds on previous theoretical work relating omitted responses to examinee disengagement and provides a model-based approach that allows for identifying and modeling examinee disengagement in terms of both omission and guessing behavior. Disengagement is identified at the item-by-examinee level by employing a mixture modeling approach that allows for different data-generating processes underlying item responses and omissions as well as different distributions of response times associated with engaged and disengaged behavior. Item-by-examinee mixing proportions themselves are modeled as a function of additional person and item parameters. This allows relating disengagement to ability and speed as well as identifying items that are likely to evoke disengaged test-taking behavior. The approaches presented in this work are tested and illustrated by a) evaluating their statistical performance under conditions typically encountered in LSAs by means of comprehensive simulation studies, b) illustrating their advances over previously developed approaches, and c) applying them to real data from major LSAs, thereby illustrating their potential for understanding examinee test-taking behavior in general and missingness mechanisms in particular. The potential of the approaches developed in this work for deepening the understanding of results from LSAs is discussed and implications for the improvement of assessment procedures - ranging from construction and administration to analysis, interpretation and reporting - are derived. Limitations of the proposed approaches are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided

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