
Flow boiling pressure drop of R134a in micro diameter tubes: Experimental results and assessment of correlations


This paper was presented at the 3rd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2011), which was held at the Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki in Greece. The conference was organised by Brunel University and supported by the Italian Union of Thermofluiddynamics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Thessaly, IPEM, the Process Intensification Network, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Heat Transfer Society, HEXAG - the Heat Exchange Action Group, and the Energy Institute.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.The experimental results of two phase flow boiling pressure drop of R134a in vertical micro diameter stainless steel tubes are presented in this paper. The tests were conducted using four tubes; one tube with an inner diameter of 0.52 mm and 100 mm heated length and three tubes with an inner diameter of 1.1 mm and different heated lengths (150, 300 and 450 mm). Other experimental conditions include: mass flux range of 200 – 500 kg/m2 s, system pressure range of 6 – 10 bar, inlet sub-cooling of about 5K and heat flux range of 1 – 140 kW/m2. The results indicated that the total measured two phase pressure drop increases with increasing mass flux, heat flux (exit quality) and decreasing system pressure and tube inner diameter. The test section heated length was found to have a significant effect on the measured pressure drop per metre length. The total measured two phase pressure drop results were also compared with eighteen macro and micro scale models and correlations

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