
Sharp flat plate heat transfer in helium at Mach numbers of 22.8 to 86.8 and in corner flow with air at Mach number of 19


Surface heat transfer rates were measured on a sharp flat plate at zero angle of attack in a hypersonic shock tunnel. The density and leading edge Knudsen number were varied to span the continuum to near free molecule regimes. The strong interaction parameter varied from 11 to 16,000 with Knudsen numbers from 0.56 to 17.1 respectively. Local heat transfer rates in the corner flow region produced by the intersection of two perpendicular flat plates with sharp leading edges were determined for various flow densities. The strength of the shock wave from the vertical plate was varied by adjusting the angle of attack from 0 to 5 deg. The unit Reynolds number varied from 1,000 to 17,200 and the Knudsen numbers from 1.6 to 27. The strong interaction parameter varied from 14 to 500

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