
Research investigation directed toward extending the useful range of the electromagnetic spectrum


The lifetimes and fine structure of He(-) were studied using time-of-flight techniques and quenching by a static axial magnetic field. Using level-crossing spectroscopy the hyperfine constants A and B and the lifetime of the 3 2P3/2 state of Li-7 were measured. Polarization of the Ru 7S level was created as a first step in determining the hyperfine structure of the alkali excited S state. The parametric interaction between light and microwaves in optically pumped Rb-87 vapor were investigated. Measurements and analyses of transitions in formaldehyde and its isotopic species and in the lowest two excited vibrational states of H2CO were also made, as well as of transitions in furan, pyrrole, formic acid, and cyanoacetylene. The Hanle effect was studied in the NO molecule, and RF oscillators were developed with flat, wideband output to observe excited state hyperfine transitions at zero field. Data was generated on the time-dependent behavior of photon echoes in ruby. Stimulated Raman scattering was studied in atomic Tl vapor. A Q switched, temperature-tuned ruby laser was developed which operates between 6934 and 6938 A. The frequency shift due to resonant interaction between identical radiating atoms was calculated

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