
Nonlinear and adaptive estimation techniques in reentry


The development and testing of nonlinear and adaptive estimators for reentry (e.g. space shuttle) navigation and model parameter estimation or identification are reported. Of particular interest is the identifcation of vehicle lift and drag characteristics in real time. Several nonlinear filters were developed and simulated. Adaptive filters for the real time identification of vehicle lift and drag characteristics, and unmodelable acceleration, were also developed and tested by simulation. The simulations feature an uncertain system environment with rather arbitrary model errors, thus providing a definitive test of estimator performance. It was found that nonlinear effects are indeed significant in reentry trajectory estimation and a nonlinear filter is demonstrated which successfully tracks through nonlinearities without degrading the information content of the data. Under the same conditions the usual extended Kalman filter diverges and is useless. The J-adaptive filter is shown to successfully track errors in the modeled vehicle lift and drag characteristics. The same filter concept is also shown to track successfully through rather arbitrary model errors, including lift and drag errors, vehicle mass errors, atmospheric density errors, and wind gust errors

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