
Production of fibers by a floating zone fiber drawing technique


A CO2 laser heated, floating zone fiber growth process was developed. The resulting Al2O3 fibers exhibited the high room temperature strengths for large diameter fibers as well as high specific creep rupture strengths observed at 1093 C and 1316 C (2000 F and 2400 F). Single crystal fibers of TiC and Y2O3 were also grown. An optical system was developed to focus four CO2 laser beams onto the surface of a feed rod permitting the formation of highly controllable molten zones. The optical system permitted energy densities and angle of incidence of the beams to be adjusted over wide ranges. This optical system was incorporated into a controlled atmosphere, fiber growth furnace. The two principal advantages of a CO2 laser heat source are that ambient atmospheres may be freely selected to optimize fiber properties and the laser has no inherent temperature limit, so extremely high melting point materials can be melted. Both advantages were demonstrated

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