
Multipath errors in range rate measurement by a TDRS/VHF - GRARR


Range rate errors due to multipath reflection are calculated for a tracking and data relay satellite system using the VHF Goddard range and range rate (GRARR) system. At VHF the reflection is primarily specular, and the strength of the multipath relative to the direct path can be modeled in terms of the geometry and the surface characteristics, specifically the root-mean-square (rms) ocean wave height. The uplink and downlink multipath introduces phase jitter on the GRARR carrier and subcarrier. The derivation of these effects is reviewed leading to an expression for the rms range rate error. The derivation assumed the worst-case orbital configurations in which there was very little relative specular Doppler. This means that the specular multipath interference was not attenuated by the carrier and subcarrier PLL transfer functions. Curves of range rate error are presented as a function of grazing angle with wave height 0.3 to 0.7 meters and spacecraft altitude 100 to 700 miles as parameters

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