
Damping of high frequency waves in the solar wind


Cyclotron damping by suprathermal fluxes of protons and electrons in the interplanetary medium will greatly attenuate high frequency Alfven waves and whistler waves within distances 1 AU of the sun. Electrons with energies between 50 eV to 2 KeV are heated as a result of damping interplanetary whistler waves with frequencies 2 omega meson/2 pion 30 Hz in the frame of the solar wind. This heating may account, in part, for the observed suprathermal tail of solar wind electrons. Protons with energies approximately 50 KeV damp Alfven waves with frequencies .001 omega meson/2 pion .01 Hz. This damping mechanism may explain several features of a scatter free solar electron events and high intensity, anisotropic solar proton streams

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