
Elevated-temperature application of the IITRI compression test fixture for graphite/polyimide filamentary composites


Seventy-nine graphite/polyimide compression specimens were tested to investigate experimentally the IITRI test method for determining compressive properties of composite materials at room and elevated temperatures (589 K (600 F)). Minor modifications were made to the standard IITRI fixture and a high degree of precision was maintained in specimen fabrication and load alignment. Specimens included four symmetric laminate orientations. Various widths were tested to evaluate the effect of width on measured modulus and strength. In most cases three specimens of each width were tested at room and elevated temperature and a polynomial regression analysis was used to reduce the data. Scatter of replicate tests and back-to-back strain variations were low, and no specimens failed by instability. Variation of specimen width had a negligible effect on the measured ultimate strengths and initial moduli of the specimens. Measured compressive strength and stiffness values were sufficiently high for the material to be considered a usable structural material at temperatures as high as 589 K (600 F)

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