
Methods for Reducing Singly Reflected Rays on the Wolter-I Focusing Figures of the FOXSI Rocket Experiment


In high energy solar astrophysics, imaging hard X-rays by direct focusing offers higher dynamic range and greater sensitivity compared to past techniques that used indirect imaging. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) is a sounding rocket payload which uses seven sets of nested Wolter-I figured mirrors that, together with seven high-sensitivity semiconductor detectors, observes the Sun in hard X-rays by direct focusing. The FOXSI rocket has successfully flown twice and is funded to fly a third time in Summer 2018. The Wolter-I geometry consists of two consecutive mirrors, one paraboloid, and one hyperboloid, that reflect photons at grazing angles. Correctly focused X-rays reflect twice, once per mirror segment. For extended sources, like the Sun, off-axis photons at certain incident angles can reflect on only one mirror and still reach the focal plane, generating a pattern of single-bounce photons that can limit the sensitivity of the observation of faint focused X-rays. Understanding and cutting down the singly reflected rays on the FOXSI optics will maximize the instrument's sensitivity of the faintest solar sources for future flights. We present an analysis of the FOXSI singly reflected rays based on ray-tracing simulations, as well as the effectiveness of different physical strategies to reduce them

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