
Ice-rich permafrost thaw under sub-aquatic conditions


Degradation of sub-aquatic permafrost can release large quantities of methane into the atmosphere, impact offshore drilling activities, and affect coastal erosion. The degradation rate depends on the duration of inundation, warming rate, sediment characteristics, the coupling of the bottom to the atmosphere through bottom-fast ice, and brine injections into the sediment. The relative importance of these controls on the rate of sub-aquatic permafrost degradation, however, remains poorly understood. This poster presents a conceptual evaluation of sub-aquatic permafrost thaw mechanisms and an approach to their representation using one-dimensional modelling of heat and dissolved salt diffusion. We apply this model to permafrost degradation observed below Peatball Lake on the Alaska North Slope and compare modelling results to talik geometry information inferred from transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings

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