
Važnost dodavanja voluminoznih krmiva, osobito zelene mase, zbog nižeg sadržaja energije, je višestruka za svinje masnijih genotipova poput crne slavonske svinje. Crne slavonske svinje, hranjene s obrokom od krmne smjese i zelene mase (lucerne) u odnosu na svinje hranjene samo s krmnom smjesom, u tovu od 30 do 130 kg tjelesne mase, imaju nešto manje dnevne priraste (520 g : 645 g), manju dnevnu konzumaciju krmne smjese (2,47 kg : 2,90 kg), veći utrošak krmne smjese za kg prirasta (4,75 kg : 4,50 kg) i veću mesnatost svinjskih polovica (45,92% : 39,24%). Crne slavonske svinje hranjene obrokom bez zelene mase imaju, pak, višu pH1 i pH2 vrijednost mesa (6,53 : 6,00 i 5,86 : 5,60), te veći stupanj svjetloće L* (50,78 : 47,87), manje vode (67,70% : 71,52%) i sirovih proteina (20,40% : 21,58%), a više sirove masti (10,36% : 6,88%) u odnosu na meso svinja hranjenih obrokom s krmnom smjesom i zelenom masom. Crne slavonske svinje, zbog sklonosti taloženja masnog tkiva u trupu, preporučuje se u poluotvorenom sustavu hraniti obrocima sa zelenom masom (lucernom).Addition of forage, especially green plant material, to the fodder of pigs of more fatty genotypes, such as Black Slavonian pigs, is of multiple importance due to its lower energy content. Compared to the pigs fed with forage mixture only, Black Slavonian pigs fed with rations consisting of both forage mixture and green plant material (Alfalfa), fattened from 30 to 130 kg bodyweight, have a little lower daily weight gain (520 g : 645 g), lower daily feed consumption (2.47 kg : 2.90 kg), a higher consumption of forage mixture per kg gain (4.75 kg : 4.50 kg) and leaner pig carcasses (45.92% : 39.24%). In turn, Black Slavonian pigs fed rations without green plant material have higher pH1 and pH2 values of meat (6.53 : 6.00 and 5.86 : 5.60), and a higher level of brightness L * (50.78 : 47.87 ), lower water content (67.70% : 71.52%) and protein level (20.40% : 21.58%), and a higher level of crude fat (10.36% : 6.88%), compared to the pigs fed rations consisting of both forage mixture and green plant material. Given the tendency to deposit fat in the trunk, Black Slavonian pigs kept in the semi-open system should be fed rations containing green plant metarial (Alfalfa)

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