Experiments with dotting test in the state of rest and fatigue


Na 14 muških ispitanika ispitivano je na dotting testu, da li uvježbavanje u točnost rada napreduje jednako brzo, ako je između dva rada na dottingu bio umetnut step test, kao i kad je između dva rada bila prazna pauza. Dobivena je prosječna razlika od 9,4 udarca u korist pokusa s praznom pauzom. Ta je razlika doduše značajna na razini nižoj od P/2 = 0,05, ali se taj test ipak ne može upotrebiti kao individualni test umora, jer bi za svakog ispitanika trebalo imati kontrolni pokus, kojim bi usporedili progres u radu u stanju umora s progresom u radu u stanju svježine, i jer neki ispitanici individualno ne pokazuju nađeni fenomen.Experiment with dotting test were made on 14 subjects to investigate whether training in this work progresses as rapidly in the case of a step test being introduced between two trials with dotting test as in the case when a rest is inserted between two dotting trials. An average difference of 9.4 dots in favour of the experiment with the inserted rest was obtained. Although this difference is significant at the 0.05 level (P/2 = 0.05, d. f. = 13), the test described cannot be used as an individual test of fatigue, because for each subject a control experiment should be carried out to compare progress in work in the state of fatigue with that in the state of rest, and also because this phenomenon has not been found in every subject

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