Coagulation activity of stored blood at +4°C


U ovom je radu ispitana koagulaciona aktivnost uskladištene krvi na +4°C. Primijenjeno je osam koagulacionih testova, a promjene koagulacione aktivnosti prikazane su grafički. Testiranje je izvršeno odmah nakon vađenja krvi, te drugi, sedmi i četrnaesti dan. Rezultati autora uspoređeni su s rezultatima iz literature.The coagulation activity of blood stored at 4°C was investigated. Eight different clotting tests were used. The changes in the coagulation activity are presented graphically. The testing was performed .immediately after the blood was taken from the vein and then after the first, seventh and forteenth day of storage. The authors compare their results with the data reported in literature. On each figure the time of storage in days is marked on the abscissa. The ordinate indicates the clotting time in sec. (Fig. 1), the prothrombin time in sec. (Fig. 2), the prothrombin consumption test in sec. (Fig. 3), the number of platelets x 10-3 (Fig. 4), the tromboplastin generation test, % activity (Fig. 5), the antihemophilic globulin % (Fig. 6), factor V activity % (Fig. 7), factor VII activity % (Fig. 8)

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