Determination of the exposure of health personnel to X-rays and radium by film dosimetry


Prikazani su rezultati dozimctrije filmom kod 360 zdravstvenih radnika. Ti su rezultati analizirani s obzirom na struku, radno mjesto i frekvenciju profesionalnih oštećenja.527 measurements were made concerning the weekly exposure dose of 360 persons in the Health Service (173 physicians and 187 technicians and auxiliary staff) exposed to X-rays (318) and radium (42). The results obtained were analysed as regards occupation, kind of work, working conditions, and the injury frequency rate. It has been shown that a comparatively large number of the personnel examined was exposed to high radiation doses, ascribed to defective equipment, improper technical and personal protective devices, and unsafe methods of work. The lesions observed in physicians were more local (skin injuries), whereas those in technicians and auxiliary staff related to the whole body (haemopoietic organs)

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