The influence of age and family responsibility on the number of absences and days lost


Na skupini od 622 muška radnika jednog metalnog poduzeća ispitali smo i analizirali izostanke za 1952. godinu. Čitavu skupinu podijelili smo na 3 dobna razdoblja: (I) mladi radnici (20-29 god.), (2) radnici srednjih godina (30-49 god.) i (3) stari radnici (50-64 god.). S obzirom na obiteljsku odgovornost podijelili smo radnike na ove skupine: (I) samci (S), (2) ljudi s jednim ovisnim članom (većinom oženjeni ljudi, bez djece) (+I), (3) ljudi sa 2 ovisna člana (većinom oženjeni, s jednim djetetom) (+2), i (4) ljudi sa 3 ili više ovisnih članova (većinom oženjeni, sa dvoje ili više djece) (2 +3). Izostanke smo podijelili na ove tri skupine: (1) izostanci zbog bolesti i nesreća.; (2) neopravdani izostanci, i (3) izostanci s odobrenjem unaprijed. Rezultati i zaključci, koje smo iz našeg rada izveli, mogu se sažeti ovako: (1) Prosječni broj izostanaka zavisi u prvom redu o stupnju obiteljske odgovornosti, a tek u drugom redu o starosti. Naprotiv prosječni broj izgubljenih radnih dana zavisi u prvom ·redu o starosti. (2) Prosječni broj izostanaka najveći je u skupini mladih radnika, a najmanji u skupini radnika srednjih godina. Velik broj izostanaka mladih ljudi treba pripisati velikom broju kratkotrajnih izostanaka kod tih ljudi. (3) Prosječni broj izgubljenih radnih dana najmanji je u skupini mladih, a najveći u skupini starih. To je uzrokovano time, što najveći postotak izgubljenih radnih dana otpada na izostanke zbog bolesti, a ti izostanci traju sve duže, što su ljudi stariji. (4) Samci imaju najviše izostanaka i izgubljenih radnih dana. U poredbi s drugim skupinama, oni imaju najviše neopravdanih ,izostanaka. (5) Najveći broj iz ostanaka kod samca ne može se protumačiti time, što su samci većinom mladi ljudi, jer srno našli, da stariji samci imaju još i više izostanaka od mladih. (6) Skupina +2 ima najmanje izostanaka i najmanje izgubljenih radnih dana. (7) Skupine + 1 ≥ +3 nalaze se između ta dva ekstrema. (8) Jednodnevni izostanci predstavljaju glavninu svih izostanaka (t.j. preko 75%). (9) Najmanji postotak izostanaka otpada na izostanke zbog bolesti, ali ti izostanci najdulje traju, pa zato na te izostanke otpada i najveći broj izgubljenih dana. (10) Najveći postotak uzostanaka otpada na »neopravdane« (kratkotrajne) izostanke, ali je broj izgubljenih dana zbog tih izostanaka poradi njihove kratkoće znatno manji. (11) Prosječni broj izostanaka zbog bolesti neznatno raste u toku starenja, ali trajanje oboljenja raste značajno. (12) Prosječna broj neopravdanih izostanaka najveći je kod mladih ljudi, a kasnije pada i stabilizira se (osim kod samaca, gdje stalno raste). (13) Prosječni broj izostanaka s odobrenjem uglavnom je podjednak u svim godinama, i malen za sve skupine. Skupina +2 ima relativno najviše tih izostanaka u poredbi s ostalim skupinama. (14) Prosječno trajanje oboljenja najdulje je kod skupine +2, a najkraće kod samaca. (15) Kod svih naših ispitanika, kao i napose kod svih dobnih i obiteljskih skupina, distribucija svih izostanaka zajedno jasno odstupa od Poissonove raspodjele. (16) Distribucija izostanaka zbog bolesti, distribucija neopravdanih izostanaka i distribucija izostanaka s odobrenjem statistički značajno odstupaju od Poissonove raspodjele.An analysis of absences in 1952 in a group of 622 male workers of a metal factory in Great Britain was carried out. The group was divided into 3 age groups: (1) young workers (20-29 years), (2) middle-aged workers (30-49 years), and aged workers (50-64 years). With regard to family responsibility, the workers were divided as follows: (I) single (S), (2) with 1 dependent member (mostly married men without children) (+1), (3) with 2 dependent members (mostly married men with a child) (+2), (4) with 3 or more dependent members (mostly married men with 2 or more children (≥ +3). Absences were divided into (1) those due to illness and accidents, (2) unauthorized absences, and (3) absences with permission. The results are summarized as follows: (1) The average number of absences is influenced in the first place by the degree of family responsibility, and in the second place by the age. The average number of days lost, however, is influenced in the first place by the age of workers. (2) The average number of absences is the highest in the group of young workers, and the lowest in the middle-aged workers. A high percentage of absences in young workers is the result of a high number of short absences in this age group. (8) The average number of days lost is the lowest in young and highest in aged workers. This is due to the fact that the highest percentage of days lost relates to the absences due to illness, and the older the workers are, the longer these absences last. (4) The highest number of absences and days lost are observed in sing-le men. In comparison with other groups, unauthorized absences are also most frequent in single men (5) The highest number of absences in single men cannot be explained by the fact that single men are mainly young men, because old single men have even more absences. (6) The groups +2 is the group with least absences and days lost. (7) The groups + 1 and ≥ +3 are between these two extremes. (8) One-day absences represent the bulk of all absences (more than 75%). (9) The absences due to illness represent the smallest percentage of absences, but as they last long, they account for the highest number of days lost. (10) The highest percentage of absences is due to unauthorized (short) absences, but the number of days lost due to such absences is rather low. (11) There is an insignificant increase with the age in the average number of absences due to illness. The duration of i1lness, however, rises significantly with the age of workers. (12) The average number of unauthorized absences is the highest in young people, but decreases and stabilizes in older people (except in older single men where it is constantly rising). (13) The average number of absences with permission is nearly the same in all age groups, and low in all groups, being relatively highest in the group +2. (14) The average duration of illness is the highest in the group +2, lowest in single men. (15) In all the subjects, and particularly in all family and age groups, the distribution of all types of absences does not fit to the Poisson distribution. (16) The Poisson distribution is a bad fit to the observed distribution of absences due to illness, of unauthorized absences, as well as of absences with permission. The author thanks Mr. J. W. Whitfield, Medical Research Council, Industrial Psychology Research Group, Psychology Department, University College, London, for his valuable advice, and Messrs. R. Shepherd and J. Walker, from the same institution, for the material on absences put at the author\u27s disposal. Special thanks are due to Mr. Shepherd who was actively engaged in the arrangement of the material and an extremely helpful partner in the first (London) phase of this work

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