Air-borne fungi in Rijeka and comparison with the results from Zagreb


Iznose se rezultati istraživanja gljivične flore atmosfere grada Rijeke, koja su vršena u toku 1959.-60. godine. Ujedno je izvršena uporedba s rezultatima dobivenim kod prethodnog ispitivanja u Zagrebu. Broj funga u Rijeci znatno je manji negoli u Zagrebu, a ustanovljene su i razlike u učestalosti ·različitih vrsta gljiva.Air-borne fungi were studied in Rijeka, at the Adriatic coast, during April, July and October 1959 and January 1960. The results obtained were compared with the corresponding data from the previous investigation carried out in Zagreb in 1957. All the results from both localities are presented tabularly. The total number of fungi, as well as average daily counts were much lower in Rijeka during summer and autumn. The frequency of fungal genera also showed pronounced differences, i. e. yeasts, Cladosporia and Torula nigra were more frequent in Zagreb, while Alternaria, Phoma and Streptomyces were more frequently found in Rijeka. Summer in Zagreb is the season of Cladosporia (37 per cent), while in Rijeka this is a period with the annual minimum of this fungus (5 per cent). On the other hand, in Rijeka Alternaria showed its maximum in summer, while in Zagreb no seasonal variations in respect to this fungus were observed

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