The influence of chelating agents on uranium retention in the kidney


Svrha je ovih pokusa bila da se dobi je više podataka o depoziciji urana u bubrezima i o djelovanju kompleksona na tu depoziciju. Utvrđeno je da se primjenom kompleksona DTPA značajno smanjuje količina urana u bubrezima.In rats treated with uranyl nitrate (7,6 mg per kilogramme of body weight) 28 per cent of the applied dose was found in the kidney three hours after the intraperitoneal injection. In animals receiving diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid (DTP A) by intraperitoneal injection (1 mM per kilogramme of body weight) immediately after the treatment with uranyl nitrate a significant reduction of the uranium content of the kidneys was observed. Only 12 per cent of the injected dose was found in the kidneys. The application of hydroxydiphenylether phosphate (HDPP), however, caused the opposite effect, resulting in a 55 per cent retention of uranium by the kidney. The possible mechanism of this action is discusse

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