
SINDROMA REYE: Dari Etiologi Hingga Penatalaksanaan


Reye’s syndrome is a disease that is correlated with acute non-inflamatory encephalopathy and hepatic failure. Although its cause is not clear,  this syndrome is often detected after an acute viral infection such as influenza, varicella, or gastroenteritis. Moreover, this syndrome is correlated with the use of aspirin to cure fever. Reye’s syndrome is now differentiated into two groups: (1) “Classic” Reye’s syndrome or “idiophatic” or “North American type”, and (2) the “Reye-like” Inherited Metabolic Disorder (IMD). Clinical manifestation of this syndrome is not specified but it may include vomitting with or without dehydration, ensephalopathy, jaundice, and more than 50% of it shows hepatomegali. CDC (Center for Disease Control and prevention) classifies encephalopathy into 6 stadiums. Death may be caused by cerebral edema, intracranial highpressure or myocardial disfunction, cardiovascular colaps, respiratory failure, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and status epilepticus or sepsis

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017