
Analisis Metode Dan Prosedur Pelaksanaan Rekrutmen Dan Seleksi Untuk Mendapatkan Karyawan Yang Bermutu (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Pdam) Kota Malang)


The objectives of research are to explain the method and procedure of recruitment used by PDAM of Malang City; to elaborate the method and procedure of selection used by PDAM of Malang City; and to provide explanation about the judgment used by PDAM of Malang City over the applicant to obtain the qualified employee. Research type is descriptive qualitative. Data collection technique involves interview and documentation. The results showed that PDAM Malang in using an external recruitment by utilizing newspapers and internet media with the online registration system to recruit appicants, recruitment procedure started from report fields that require employees to the board of directors, then from the board of directors to HR, and HR process further. Selection is done by two methods, namely the selection method of administration and management selection methods. Selection procedure by PDAM of Malang city from the test theory, practice test, interview, test academic aptitude test, the interview board of directors, and the last is a health test. Qualified employee is an employee who is able to carry out the tasks assigned by the company and have the skills, and characterized by disclipline, creative, loyal, working up, the dam has expertise

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