A Note on the Density Wave Model of the Galaxy


In this paper the general gas dynamical equations have been solved in the wave form and the general dispersion relation has been deduced. This dispersion relation has been used with simplifying assumptions plausible for special regions of the Galaxy, and results obtained have been shown to be able to interpret some observed dynamical behaviours as well as the distributional property of the gas in those special regions. For example, the analysis has yielded the interpretation of (a) the absence of any wave-pattern in the central region of the Galaxy, (b) the largescale deviation of the gas from the galactic plane in the outer regions of the Galaxy and (c) probably, the large-scale outflow of gas in the central region, as well as the large outward motion of the 3kpc arm. The analysis further indicates that in the solar neighbourhood the rotation curve of the Galaxy may possess a local maximum

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