
The influence of Treponema pallidum on dendritic cells and the differentiation of naive T cell


梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体(Treponemapallidum,T.pallidum)感染引起的一种性传播疾病,是一个世界性难题。目前,全世界已有3600万人感染梅毒,每年新增病例数达1200万。其高感染率与它特殊的免疫机制有着密切关系。梅毒螺旋体进入机体之后免疫细胞会对其进行清除,体外研究表明树突状细胞(Dendriticcell,DC)和巨噬细胞均会吞噬梅毒螺旋体。DC是体内最有效的专职抗原提呈细胞(Antigenpresentingcell,APC),并且是唯一能诱导初始T细胞发生极化的细胞,不同抗原刺激过的DC对初始T分化的作用不同。在早期梅毒皮损区域发现有大量树突状细胞,巨噬细胞及表达INF...Syphilis a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. It is a worldwide problem. Some 36 million people are currently infected with syphilis worldwide, with 12 million new cases reported every year. The high prevalence of syphilis across the globe is closely related with its specific immune mechanisms. In vitro studies it has showed that de...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_微生物学学号:2452012115319

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