Design and Implementation of HDMI CEC in Android TV System


近些年来,智能化的手机、电视、科技家居逐渐的被广大民众所熟悉并使用,这些智能化的设备慢慢的改变的人们的生活方式。智能化设备的普及,离不开功能强大的Android系统。Android系统是近些年来最热门的系统之一,除了占领了手机市场的半壁江山外,已经开始逐步向TV系统渗透,越来越多的电视厂商已经开始采用Android系统。 目前市面上的电视,高分辨率已经成为了主要潮流,从主流的1920*1080P高清分辨率,开始迈向了4K*2K超高清分辨率时代。高清晰度电视(HighDefinitionTelevision)的流行,也使得HDMI(High-DefinitionMultimediaInterf...In recent years,Mobile phones, TV, science and technology of the intelligent home gradually was familiar with and use by the general public, the intelligent equipment gradually changing people's way of life. The popularity of intelligent equipment is inseparable from the powerful Android system. The Android system is one of the most popular system in recent years, nn addition to occupied half of ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:X201022102

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