
The Influence of Superstrong Magnetic Fields on Thermonuclear Reaction at the Outer Crust of Magnetar


核天体物理领域中超强磁场的相关研究表明:磁星外壳层热核反应都与磁场密切相关。磁星的超强磁场不仅影响热核反应率和最终元素丰度,而且还影响磁星的中微子能量损失率,最终影响其演化时标、演化进程和冷却机制。由于超强磁场的重要性,本文主要研究了磁星表面壳层超强磁场对一些典型核素的热核反应的影响。 首先,基于相对论性的超强磁场理论(Fushikietal.1989),利用Thomas-Fermi-Dirac近似方法,我们研究分析了超强磁场环境电荷屏蔽难题,讨论了电荷屏蔽对热核反应23Mg(p,gamma)24Al的影响,我们的结果表明,磁星表面超强磁场电荷屏蔽对热核反应率影响明显,热核反应率可能增大二个...The related researches on superstrong magnetic fields (SMFs) in nuclear astrophysics show that the thermonuclear reaction (e.g., weak interaction and the neutrino energy loss) is closely related to the magnetic field in the crust of magnetars. The SMF not only affect the nuclear reaction rate and the final element abundance, but also affect the neutrino energy loss rates of magnetars and finally i...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_理论物理学号:1982013015422

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