
The study of large-area graphene growth and doping


石墨烯具有优异的物理化学性质,自2004年成功分离以来,它成为继富勒 烯、碳纳米管等碳基材料之后的明星材料,在材料科学与凝聚态物理学领域获得广 泛关注,展现出丰富的物理现象及广阔应用前景。同时,石墨烯的发现也打破了 之前二维材料无法单独存在的理论预言,引领了二硫化钼、六方氮化硼、单层锡、 黑磷、硅烯、锗烯等二维材料的研究热潮。 化学气相沉积法(CVD)生长石墨烯具有生长面积大、结晶质量好、成本低 廉、容易转移到其他基底材料上等优点,而备受关注。本论文利用自制CVD系 统,以铜箔为基底生长石墨烯及掺杂(同位素掺杂、氮掺杂)石墨烯,通过同位素 标定技术研究其生长机理,并利用微区...Graphene, isolated 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, is a rising star n material and basic physics reserch community for its extraordinary properies. It has a broad applications in integrated circuits, radio frequency transistor, composite materials, transparent conducting electrodes and energy storage. This dissertation has studied the mechanism of CVD synthesis method and provides an...学位:理学博士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982012015390

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