
Analysis and Design of the Goods and Transport Vehicles Trade Matching Application System Based on the Mobile Terminal


现代物流业为现代经济流转提供了最强有力的支持,使得经济快速全方位的发展成为可能。物流行业主要依靠空运、海运、铁路和公路货运组成,各种运输方式把全球的经济联系在起来,物流业为整个经济的大发展提供了最基本最重要的保障。但是,随着信息化的发展和进步,各行各业都在以极快的速度更新换代,但是物流行业特别是公路货运环节渐渐的跟不上社会化大生产对信息化的强烈需求,其中作为物流领域最重要环节的国内公路陆运领域,其发展水平停滞不前,货源与车源的匹配始终困扰着行业的发展,也影响着行业从业者的收入和参与企业的利润,行业的发展受到了极大的制约。 随着移动信息互联网技术的高速发展,以及手机、平板电脑、车载电脑等移动终...Modern logistics industry as a modern economic circulation provides the strongest support so that a full range of rapid economic development possible. Logistics industry mainly rely on air, sea and road freight composition, various modes of transport to link up the global economy, the great development of the logistics industry in the overall economy provides the most fundamental and most importan...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323004

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