
Cell end-localized Dma1 is involved in polar growth by regulating the ubiquitination of Tip1/CLIP-170 in fission yeast


细胞极性是大多数细胞的一个基本特征,细胞极性的建立是细胞周期中的重要事件。裂殖酵母S.pombe中的CLIP170家族蛋白Tip1能够监督微管使其沿着细胞的纵轴生长,并参与运输极性因子到达细胞端部的过程。人类肿瘤抑制因子Chfr同源蛋白Dma1是纺锤体检验点蛋白和胞质分裂的抑制因子。已有的研究发现它会泛素化修饰SIN(septationinitiationnetwork)通路中的Sid4,导致Plo1激酶不能定位到SPB(spindlepolebody),从而抑制SIN信号通路和阻止胞质分裂。 我们实验室的前期结果显示Dma1除定位在胞质、SPB和中隔外,也定位在细胞生长端,并在细胞端部与T...Cell polarization is a major event of the cell cycle and underlies the function of most cells. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the microtubule plus end-tracking protein Tip1, a CLIP170 protein family member, is required to guide fission yeast cytoplasmic microtubules to their target zone located at the cell ends and involved in delivering cell polarity factors to cell tips. The hum...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162013115254

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