
Design and Implementation of Online Shopping Recommended Platform Based on .NET


随着互联网技术的飞速发展,网络购物逐渐成为了人们生活中的一部分,如何不需要花太多的时间在众多网购平台、电子商务商城中筛选出便宜、优惠、特价、促销的商品,是很多消费者都头疼的事情。 本文通过查阅了大量的参考文献,针对用户这样的需求,采用.NET三层架构以及SQLSERVER2005数据库设计与实现了一套网购推荐平台,平台主要分为前台模块与后台模块两大功能模块。前台模块主要包括:特价折扣、淘宝街、电子优惠券、RSS订阅;后台模块主要包括系统用户管理、特价折扣信息管理、商城管理、商品分类、商品发布等功能模块。结合功能模块、结构设计、实体E-R模型图、数据库表设计等方式对平台的设计过程进行了详细描述...With the rapid development of Internet technology, online shopping gradually become the part of people's life, how to don't need to spend too much time in many online shopping platform, E-commerce mall in screening out cheap, discounts, special offers, promotions, many consumers have a headache thing. Through access to a large number of references, according to the needs of such users, using .NET...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323197

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