
Design and Implementation of Collaborative office system for Bureau Organs


近年来,随着社会的发展,企业规模的逐渐壮大,以个人为单位的工作模式已不能满足瞬息万变的市场形势。只有将工作细化,发挥团队作用,协同工作,才能快速响应市场变化,在竞争中取得胜利。工作流技术的提出为实现了业务流程的自动化管理、信息在人与人之间流转、跨地域、跨部门的用户可协同工作提供了有力的手段。 本文基于J2EE、SSH框架和Oracle10g数据库设计并实现了一套局级办公系统,涵盖了公文、事务、会议和系统管理四大功能模块,重点解决了困扰本局的信息沟通不流畅,跨地域基本靠电话,无法实时了解工作进度,全凭个人主观意识主动汇报,无据可依、无据可查等关键难题。针对以上功能设计实现了该系统,并展示了关键...In recent years, with the development of the society, the scale of enterprises is gradually growing, and the working mode of an individual as a unit is unable to meet the changing market. Only elaborated work plan, good team work and collaborating work together, can quickly respond to market changes to win the competition. Workflow technology is proposed to realize the automation of business proce...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323038

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