
Design and Implementation of Cash Register System for Small and Medium Sized Supermarket Based on J2EE Platform


商业零售业是我国发展最快的行业之一,该行业内的企业产品销售周期短,盈利比较稳定,现金流动快,是业界普遍看好的行业,尤其是大型连锁类超市的营业模式,被大众迅速接受,发展速度很快。随着超市规模的不断扩大,收银系统在大型连锁超市中已经代替了传统的人工收费,而且大型超市的收银系统发展到今天也已日趋成熟。而在一些中小型的超市中,却很少使用收银系统,因为收银系统的成本相对较高中小超市的规模较小,客流量不大,无需配备价格高昂的自动收银管理系统。但是传统的人工收费常常出现计价错误等情况,因此开发一款价格低廉,适合中小型超市使用的收银系统成为了关键,所以开发出一款稳定的中小型超市收银系统具有很好的社会意义和研究...Commercial retail industry is one of China is the fastest growing industry, the industry within the enterprise product sales cycle short, more stable earnings, cash flow faster is industry generally optimistic about the industry, especially in the large chain supermarket business model, is the rapid acceptance of the public and the development speed is very fast. With the continuous expansion of t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323191

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