
Study on Exemption of Commercial Tax in Song Dynasty


随着宋代商税征收制度的逐渐完善,商税蠲免也日益成为统治者所关注的问题。商税蠲免和商税征收制度是互为表里关系,商税蠲免实质上是对商税征收制度的一种补充。政府对商税进行蠲免,并不是完全为了促进商业发展,而是将其作为调节社会矛盾的手段,体现了政府对商业利用的心态。因此,研究商税蠲免问题不仅可以丰富商税征收制度研究,还可以从不同角度探讨统治阶级对国家治理问题。本文主要分为四个部分: 第一部分为第一章,宋代商税概念及商税则例的变化。主要明确宋代商税的概念和商税则例,认识到宋代商税征收范围的扩大以及商税则例的不断完善。征收范围扩大是宋代商税蠲免政策逐渐细化的原因,商税则例的完善为商税蠲免提供了一定的制度...With development of system of levying commercial tax of Song Dynasty. The problem of commercial tax exemption are concerned. The exemption of commercial tax and system of levying is interdependent relationship. The essence of commercial tax exemption is a supplement to the system. At the same time, the exemption of commercial tax is important means for the government to regulate the social contrad...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代史学号:1032013115231

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