
The Historical and Realistic Interaction between Puyuma and The Neighboring Ethnic Groups in Taiwan


如今的卑南族是台湾第六大原住民族群,其聚落主要分布在台湾东部的山海平原之间。自古以来,与卑南族毗邻并且互动较多的原住民族群有阿美族、排湾族、鲁凯族和布农族,这几个族群在相当长的历史时期内共享台东地区的资源,日渐形成一种自然状态下的较为稳定的族群关系格局。然而,随着汉人族群在台湾的扩张,以及台湾数次被外来殖民者统治的特殊历史发展轨迹,使得台东地区以卑南族为主体的原住民族群互动呈现出更为复杂的样貌。 由于无文字民族历史记忆的传递以口碑传说为主要方式,因此考察卑南族与周边族群的互动唯有从荷领台湾时期文字记载增加后方才渐次明晰,卑南等族原住民也正是从这个时候开始以更加鲜明的形象进入历史的视野。自此以...Pinuyumayian is the sixth largest indigenous group in Taiwan, whose settlements mainly scatter on the plains and mountains in the eastern part of Taiwan. Since ancient times, there are Amis, Paiwan, Rukai and Bunun living around with the Puyuma, who have shared resources in Taitung area for quite a long time and gradually formed a relatively stable pattern of ethnic relations under the natural sta...学位:法学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国少数民族史学号:1062013115236

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