
Private Economy and State Regulations:A Case Study on the Relationships Between the Pi-xin Agency and the State-operated Post Offices and Banks in Fujian Province(1928-58)


内容摘要本文探讨的核心问题是通过梳理和分析不同时期福建批信局与国家邮局及银行关系的发展变化,透视私营经济与国家控制的关系。创新之处主要有两点:其一,系统地梳理和分析近代福建批信局与国家邮局及银行关系的发展变化;其二,以三者关系为例,运用现代化、国家与市场和新制度经济学等相关理论分析近代私营经济发展的内在规律和私营经济与国家控制之间的复杂关系。在侨批业的历史演进中,批信局形成了独特的制度和经营网络。在此基础上,本文尝试从1928-1937、1937-1945、1945-1949和1949-1958年等四个时期厘清福建批信局与国家邮局及银行之间既合作依赖、又竞争排斥的多重关系,认为批信局在国家邮局...The key issue being discussed in the dissertation is to explore out the relationships between private economy and state regulations by describing and analyzing the development of relationship between the Pi-xin Agency (An enterprise dealing with remittances and mails for the overseas Chinese) and state-operated post offices and banks in Fujian province during different periods. The two main academ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院_中国近现代史学号:B20020201

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