
Simulation and Process Optimization Research of CuInGaSe2 Thin Film Solar Cells


人类对能源消费的不断增加,传统化石能源的快速消耗导致环境恶化加剧,雾霾等恶劣气候频发,严重影响人类的身体健康和生存,寻找可再生清洁能源成为全球共同追求的目标。太阳能是一种可持续的清洁能源,受到科学家的热衷追捧,而光伏产业作为无污染的新能源产业获得世界各国青睐而得到广泛应用。 以中国光伏产业为代表的发展中国家,其新能源产业以前所未有的速度发展,对世界新能源产业做出巨大贡献,但是由于发达国家的贸易“双反”政策及国内市场开发不足导致以晶硅为主的中国光伏产业遇冷,而薄膜太阳电池却未受到双反的限制。铜铟镓硒(CIGS)薄膜电池是一种高效率、超廉价的薄膜电池,它的研究受到世界各国研究者的重视,同时由于C...Energy consumption for human society has been accelerated and the large exhaustion of traditional fossil fuels has led to the deterioration of the environment, forming severe climatic such as fog haze, which seriously influences human health and survival. It is becoming a global common goal to find the sustainable renewable and clean energy. As a kind of sustainable and clean energy, solar energy ...学位:理学博士院系专业:能源研究院_光伏工程学号:3242012015367

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