
Managing Burial Mounds: A Comparative Study of Cultural Heritage Management in China and the United States


本文研究的主题是美国对墓葬遗址的管理方式和相关立法,并对中、美两国在相关法律和保护问题的异同进行比较。中美考古学界对各自国家内土墩类遗存的研究较多,但对比的研究并不多见,而关于相关法律和管理方式的对比研究更是缺乏。现在中、美两国越来越多的考古学者迫切希望在考古领域能进行合作研究,因此非常需要加强对彼此的了解。本课题着重通过选取美国的一个代表性土墩墓考古遗址的管理和保护为主要研究案例,并与中、美两国的其他土墩类遗存进行对比研究。通过探究中、美两国之间在遗产立法和管理保护问题上异同,本文希望能为两国决策者完善或创建更为详尽的关于墓葬遗址的管理和法律法规提供参考。 本课题选取美国卡霍基亚土墩墓群(...The main subject of this study is how burial mounds are managed and preserved in America and how that may be compared to burial mound management in China. An increasing number of archaeologists and museum professionals from both countries have been collaborating with each other on various projects, making it necessary for them to understand both country’s heritage management laws. However, there ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院_考古学学号:1032012015408

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