
An empirical research on the relationship between financial development and economic growth:Based on provincial panel data and listing corporation cata


摘要 在现代市场经济中,金融系统处于资源配置和宏观调控的核心位置;纵观世界范围内各经济体,无可辩驳的事实是,其经济越发达,金融体系也越完善。“十二五”期间,国家提出了转变经济发展方式和产业升级的经济发展规划,“十三五”开局,习总书记即提出了“供给侧改革”的新增长战略;为了充分发挥我国金融系统在经济增速换挡和经济转型过程中的调节稳定作用,国务院办公厅提出了金融支持经济转型和机构调整的指导意见。正是在这样的国际经济金融格局和我国经济“新常态”转型背景下,本文对金融发展和经济增长之间的相关性和微观作用机制进行了理论梳理和实证检验。因此具有一定的现实意义。 运用理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,本文...Abstract In the modern market economy, the financial system is in the core position of resource allocation and macro-regulation; throughout the world, the truth is that the more developed an economy is, the better its financial system runs. During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", our government put forward the strategy of “Transforming the Mode of Economic Development and Industrial Upgrading” and t...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562013115207

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