
The Analysis on the Regional Structure of China’s Participation in the Global Value Chain


目前中国以低成本劳动力生产低附加值产品的贸易模式遇到了很大的挑战,如何走出贸易疲软的困境是一个值得深思的问题。一种思路是深化对外开放,寻求新的有质量的增长点,并加快与相应国家签署自贸协定,建设相应的自由贸易区,以更好地促进双方贸易往来和我国产业升级。那么首要的问题是,究竟应该优先与哪些国家(地区)签署自贸协定才能寻求到有质量的增长点。 随着国际生产分割的进一步深化,全球价值链(GlobalValueChain,GVC)越来越多的受到学术界的重视。一个值得关注的问题是较少有研究探讨全球价值链的区域结构问题。Losetal.(2014)探讨了随着时间变化GVC到底是更加区域化还是更加全球化的问题...The trade pattern of China using low cost labor to produce low value-added products has met a lot of challenges. To step out of the dilemmas of weak exports, we should keep the strategy of opening to the outside world , accelerate the process of free-trade agreements negotiations with relevant countries, and establish the corresponding free trade areas.The primary problem lies in the choice of app...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572013115195

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