
the Research of American Campus Safety and Enlightment


对于大多数人来讲,相比于社会更多不确定性和复杂性因素的存在,校园如同围墙里的城堡,好似同天堂一样,和谐又平静,所以许多人把校园比喻成远离危险和威胁的相对比较安全的“象牙塔”。 但是,随着社会的不断发展,越来越多不确定性因素出现了,校园变得愈加开放,使得曾经让人信任和觉得安全的校园变得愈加复杂,曾经的“象牙塔”变得让人觉得不安和恐惧。近年来,美国高校发生的校园安全事故已经不容忽视,某些安全事件的性质变得更加严重,不止是校外,整个安全事故的范围已经波及到校内,对于学生的生理和心理产生了或多或少的影响,许多家长对于校园安全的信任度已经开始动摇。尤其是随着各种社交媒介的不断发展,越来越多的高校校园安...As for most people, compared to more complexity and uncertainty factors exist in the society ,the campus just like the castle in the walls, just like the heaven,is harmonious and peaceful, so many people have likened the campus to the relatively safe "ivory tower" which was away from danger and threat . However, with the continuous development of society, more and more uncertain factors appeare...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_教育史学号:2572013115182

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