
Field Study on Effects of Simulated Sea Level Rise on Main Processes of Organic Carbon in Kandelia obovata Mangrove Ecosystems


本研究以厦门曾营海岸三个不同高程样地的秋茄红树林为研究对象,在模拟海平面上升80cm红树林(SLR80cm)、模拟海平面上升40cm红树林(SLR40cm)以及对照红树林(SLR0cm,大约相当于福建九龙江口红树林的滩面高程),探讨海平面上升对秋茄(Kandeliaobovata,以前学名为Kandeliacandel)红树林生态系统主要有机碳过程的影响。 SLR80cm样地的植株矮小、林相稀疏,生长状况明显不如SLR40cm和SLR0cm样地。各样地植株的生物量以及年增量总体均呈现出SLR0cm>SLR40cm>SLR80cm的规律,且SLR80cm样地与SLR40cm和SLR0cm样地有...Three Kandelia obovata forests with different intertidal elevations, regarded as sea level rises (SLR) of 80 (lower elevation), 40 (middle elevation) and 0 (control, upper elevation) cm respectively, along the coastline of Zengying, Xiamen were studied to investigate the effects of SLR on main processes of organic carbon in mangrove ecosystems. Plants at SLR 80 cm plot were short and sparse, so t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

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