
Comparative Analysis on Domestic Subjective Well-Being in the View of Population Statistical Characteristics


人类文明自诞生以来便一直围绕着一个永恒的主题,这个主题被全人类广泛认可并努力追求——它就是幸福。随着物质财富的不断积累和文明程度的日益提高,幸福的内涵也随着时代的发展而不断丰富起来。那么,幸福对于我国国民来说到底意味着什么?当前我国的国民幸福感到底处在何种水平?现实中哪些因素会明显影响国民幸福感?等等,这一系列的问题,成为学界广泛关注并且迫切需要解决的热点。幸福关系到每一个个体的生存与发展,实现幸福生活是民心所向,也是实现“中国梦”的本质要求。 本文通过析读中外相关文献,从幸福的定义出发,梳理概括出学界对于幸福的认识以及已有的研究成果。在充分理解幸福的内涵尤其是主观幸福感的特性基础上,本文借...Since the beginning of human civilization, all people in the world are pursuing the same subject which is happiness without any hesitation. With the prosperity of material and spiritual wealth, the meaning of happiness has changed a lot. Then, what is the idea of happiness in our people’s mind? What is the level of subjective well-being in our country? What are the factors that may influence the l...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_人口、资源与环境经济学学号:1532013115220

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