
Developing Strategic Research of Company A


A公司是一间在百慕大注册成立,在香港联交所上市的公司。2000年由市政府并购重组,确定了发展现代物流的战略总方向,拟运用这一香港上市公司平台整合市属国资系统内部物流资源。由于2000年时物流还是个新名词,涉及的行业较为宽泛,市政府将收费公路及两大物流园区装入了A公司。随着2000年至今社会经济的迅速发展,汽车保有量上升较快,收费公路一直保持较好的收益;而物流园区由于仅是建成仓库并出租,收入增长空间十分有限,因此形成了收费公路业务所占资产和盈利比重一直较高、而物流业务未能形成气候的局面。2012年开始,公司启动了以公路货运为主产业链的“综合物流港”项目,开始全国布局和建设运营工作,希望加快物流业...Company A is incorporated in Bermuda and is listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It was acquired by the Government in 2000 and was determined to develop the logistic business as the strategic direction. It was planned to be used as a platform to consolidate the internal state-owned logistic resources. “Logistics” was a brand-new word in 2000, and various kinds of commercial...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315600

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