
Media Herding Behavior and the Effect on Extreme Downside and Upside Risk of Stock Price——Evidence from China


媒体在筛选主题、裁剪素材、报道新闻时有可能存在羊群行为,原因在于:(1)不同媒体之间的信息不对称。面对海量的信息,一家媒体不可能全面、实时捕捉。这时候,跟踪模仿同行行为不仅有利于降低信息收集成本,而且反复全方位的报道在一定程度上可以满足投资者的信息需求;(2)模仿心理。新闻记者自身能力不足,存在认知偏差、框架依赖、损失规避等多种局限,这些推动了媒体跟风进行报道的现象屡屡出现;(3)行业竞争。为了迎合读者需求,或者追求轰动报道,吸引眼球,媒体往往竞相追逐时下热点问题。这也导致了媒体在报道新闻时容易出现羊群行为。 为了检验媒体报道是否存在羊群行为,本文借鉴Lakonishok,Shleifer和...Media may herd when choosing topic or cutting material for several reasons. First, the information asymmetry among different newspaper offices. Facing a flood of information, one newspaper office only may not capture all important information in real time with good comprehension. Thus, herding behavior, which means to imitate peers when reporting, not only help reduce the information gathering cos...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_财务学学号:3212013115061

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